Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"You fucking broke my sitar, motherfucker!"

Well its come to this : aiming to make 90% sick after looking at it fer 2 minutes.

If you do go there, could you go to and gi us feed back on this (apart from the pic, which was just to noise john up), its an old mate of mine that i would appear to be *ahem* managing at the moment, he should be working at break kneck speed on a reworked copy of his demo.

Any between this franticness i watched DiG, which were cool and one of the funniest things ive seen in a while (although sadly no drummers died in the making) and also downloaded most of the Brian Jonestown Massacres albumns from their site

Also toying with doing solo version of "pramface" demo, prob more on that some other time


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