Tuesday, November 29, 2005

You should all listen to this they're ace

The Telescopes - #4

People i'd have in a fight

1. Gandhi
2. 50 Cent
3. Tony Blair (not Bush; 'tards fight hard)
4. CĂ©line Dion
5. Tyler Durden
6. Travis and Coldplay at the same time
8. Mother Terassa
9 Bod
10. Gary

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

New words of the week

1. Chlordiazepoxide
2. Librium
3. St John Wort
4. Milk Thistle
5. valerian

hmm, the calm

Friday, November 18, 2005

Gary's Blog

My good friend, fellow pramfacer and work collegue has started a blog, not sure how seriously he's taking it, but its linked to on the right
7 Things I Want To Do Before I Die:

1. Live
2. Emegrate the UK
3. Write, direct and film a short movie using just a mobile phone
4. Finish the Pramface demo and then appear on the cover of hello promoting rehab
5. Organise a street party to celebrate the death of Maggie Thatcher (surely not long now, surely)
5. go 24 hours without a wee drink
6. Get a career which fullfills my dreams, not me working with others to fullfill theirs.
7. Love and be loved
7. Be in a zomby movie and invent a new genre: Zombie Porn

7 Things I Cannot Do:
1. Talk dirty; bed; over the phone; any where, im sorta like David Blunkett in that comedy on Channel 4 were he's asked to speak dirty to the rich american he’s about to knob and he replies “errr, nipples, errr, bra”
2. sort it out
3. Piss next to others in pub toilets
4. Skateboard, juggle or ski or snow boren or anything that envolves the word "knarly", i can however diablo pretty well, yey!
5. Get pissed and not mime fisting someone
6. wet one hand and leave the other dry
7. Understand what people see in Shakespear

7 Things That Attract Me to the Opposite Sex:
1. being with them
2. honesty and fine sex
3. Bums
5. dreaming together
6. Talking bollocks and thinking its ace
7. Motivation and vision
8. just being
5. Saying nowt and thinking its ace

7 Things I Say Most Often:
1. Fuck
3. fannybaws
4. Bastard young people
5. Ay up
6. I’m a minger
C. Hi noa nathin
!. Titwank: soapytitwank: cunting titwank: titwanking titwank: Tit Wank
#. Haway mun
p. ..., like...,

Celebrity Crushes:
1. Katie Jane Garside (hubba hubba)
2. The 2 in Sugababes that dont look like men in drag
3. That french oota Amilie
4. Yoda
5. Nemi
6. Gigi Edgley (Chiana in Farscape)
7. Christina Agulara in leather spats and boxing gloves
8. Dwarves
9. Tori Amos

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Things currently going toilet on me

Number 2

A rat, he's called katie-jane, he just wont be told


Were you bullied at school, find no sense of authority
did you look a bit funny
were you too stupid to join the police, too fat to join the forces
Ladies! Do you look like a stereotypical Dyke
Got a couple of anchor tattoos and a low parting boys?
If you've got no way with people whats so ever
Hate cyclists, motorist and users of public transport
And would really rather be driving a big shiney tank somewhere
We've the job for you

LRT bus:

Things never to say yes to, whilst in a pub drinking booze


yes i'll take that rat, do not ask any body else, i am your man, give it to me

a rat:

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I could have been a contender, I could have been somebody, instead of a bum which is what I am

i'll be turning 30 soon then...