Monday, January 16, 2006

Rats - a point of order

no they dont smell, they are very clean animals, the reason they live in dirt in the wild is because of all the shit we humans produce

yes they spread the plague, many many years ago, we curreently spread hiv, Hep-A, B and C, herpes and pretty soon maybe bird flu

i dont care the tail freaks you out, not only is it a particularly clever bit of kit but more importantly take alook down yer pants; not that pretty, either, is it?

You should be able to tell the differance between male and female rats; one should not get a male rat friend for his, or hers, lone male rat and then find them engaged in adult rat type activity and then find that it is pretty aparent when a rat is male due to the large set a baws he has and then have to pay 75 notes to have said baws sliced

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