Wednesday, February 22, 2006

You went to school where you were taught to fear and to obey, be cheerful, fit in, or someone might think you're weird. Life can be perfect. People ca

the perfect tortea du potata, learned from proper spanish, from spain

eggs (5 or 6)
Olive oil (some)
an Onion
about 5 or 6 small potatoes or less if bigger

chop tatties into small (>1cm/sq) cubes
there should be enough spud to 1/3 fill a frying pan
this should be put in a pre heated non stick frying pan (with enough olive oil to cover the tatties)
Fry the above for a bit
dice the onions and add to the frying pan

Whilst the above is cooking beat eggs in a bowl adding sea salt and ground black pepper as desired.

Once it looks like the onions are starting to cook (and the potatoes should be soft(ish))take the frying pan straight from the hob and add very hot contents to the egg

stir, cover and leave for 10 minutes

stir, cover and leave for 5 minutes

having already reheating the frying pan to a fairly hot temperature add the mixture

do various things to the pan whilst periodically remove from the heat for short periods
a slight twitch/shake/rotation action is good, with the odd stir

once it looks like the base is starting to set, we cheat a little (dont do this in front of the spanish as they freak) and stick the pan under a hot grill untill the top of the omlette starts to solidify

the tricky bit:
Place plate over the omlette in the pan (having removed it from the grill);
slide the omlette back from the plate into the pan so the not so cooked side is now the base
place back on the heat

cook untill firm

Cut into pieces
serve with thin slices of chorizo after a night out on DF's at the west-end Subway


nospooner said...

People can be trusted.
Someday, I wll fall in love; a nice quiet home of my very own.
Free from all the pain. Happy and having fun all the time.
It never happened, did it?"

its a quote...

Didymus (der Blinde) said...

Duely noted. It will be tried (most likely after Lent).

nospooner said...

i recon youll probably need a little more potatoe than indicated in the recipe